Dog Run Rules and Regulations

  1. Users of the park do so at their own risk.
  2. Dog owners are legally responsible for injury and/or damages caused by their dog (O.R.C. 1533.181).
  3. Dogs that are defined by law (O.R.C. 955.11) as dangerous dogs or vicious dogs are prohibited.
  4. Dogs showing aggression must be removed immediately.
  5. Dogs must display current license, rabies tags, and vaccinations.
  6. Dog waste must be picked up immediately by the handler.
  7. No more than three dogs per handler.
  8. Dogs should be at least 4 months old.
  9. You may use only bite sized treats in the park. No other food is allowed.
  10. The dog park is for dog exercise and socialization, no animals other than dogs are allowed in the park.
  11. Without adult supervision, it is recommended that children under the age of 14 stay outside the fenced area.