Dog Run Rules and Regulations
- Users of the park do so at their own risk.
- Dog owners are legally responsible for injury and/or damages caused by their dog (O.R.C. 1533.181).
- Dogs that are defined by law (O.R.C. 955.11) as dangerous dogs or vicious dogs are prohibited.
- Dogs showing aggression must be removed immediately.
- Dogs must display current license, rabies tags, and vaccinations.
- Dog waste must be picked up immediately by the handler.
- No more than three dogs per handler.
- Dogs should be at least 4 months old.
- You may use only bite sized treats in the park. No other food is allowed.
- The dog park is for dog exercise and socialization, no animals other than dogs are allowed in the park.
- Without adult supervision, it is recommended that children under the age of 14 stay outside the fenced area.